DVD with Intro and Main Menu

This topic describes a DVDBuilder project for a DVD with an intro title and a main menu.

This topic discusses only the DVDBuilder project’s XML elements and XML attributes. For steps to create the actual DVD, see the DVD with Intro and Main Menu topic in the DVDBuilder Programming section.

DVDBuilder Project

This is the complete DVDBuilder project. It defines a menu, intro title set with one title, and a main title set with two titles.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<dvd version='2.3' xmlns='http://www.primosoftware.com/dvdbuilder/2.3'>
  <videoManager firstPlayNavigate='Title=1;'>
      <!-- Main Menu -->
      <menu id='1001' entry='title'>
        <background file='Text_Menu_NTSC.mpg' />
        <button left='120' top='150' width='200' height='150' navigate='Title=2;' />
        <button left='370' top='150' width='200' height='150' navigate='Title=3;' />
          backgroundColor ='#000000'
          patternColor    ='#FFFFFF'
          emphasisColor1  ='#00FF00'
          emphasisColor2  ='#000000' />
          backgroundColor='#000000' backgroundContrast='0'
          patternColor   ='#00FFFF' patternContrast   ='15'
          emphasis1Color ='#000000' emphasis1Contrast ='0'
          emphasis2Color ='#000000' emphasis2Contrast ='0'/>
          backgroundColor='#0000FF' backgroundContrast='3'
          patternColor   ='#FFFF00' patternContrast   ='15'
          emphasis1Color ='#FFFF00' emphasis1Contrast ='15'
          emphasis2Color ='#000000' emphasis2Contrast ='15'/>
          backgroundColor='#0000FF' backgroundContrast='5'
          patternColor   ='#FF00FF' patternContrast   ='15'
          emphasis1Color ='#FF00FF' emphasis1Contrast ='15'
          emphasis2Color ='#000000' emphasis2Contrast ='15'/>

  <!-- Intro Title Set -->
      <title id='1' chapters='00:00:00;' postNavigate="Menu=1001;">
        <videoObject file='Wildlife.mpg'/>

  <!-- Main Title Set -->
      <title id='2' chapters='00:00:00;'>
        <videoObject file='Elephant.mpg'/>
      <title id='3' chapters='00:00:00;'>
        <videoObject file='Hippo.mpg'/>

The <videoManager> Element

The following <videoManager> element defines a first-play command that navigates to the “Intro” title. When this DVD is inserted in a player, the player will play the “Intro” title first.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<dvd version='2.3' xmlns='http://www.primosoftware.com/dvdbuilder/2.3'>
  <videoManager firstPlayNavigate='Title=1;'>

The Inro <title> Element

The Intro <title> element specifies a post-play navigation command. The post-play navigation command is executed when the title playback finishes. In this example, after the Intro title finishes, the player will navigate to a menu with ID=1001 or the main Title menu.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<dvd version='2.3' xmlns='http://www.primosoftware.com/dvdbuilder/2.3'>
  <!-- Intro Title Set -->
      <title id='1' chapters='00:00:00;' postNavigate="Menu=1001;">
        <videoObject file='Wildlife.mpg'/>

Last updated on July 17th, 2016 12:00:00 AM