What’s New

Discover what's new and improved in the latest DVDBuilder version.

Version 3.4


  • Updated bundled AVBlocks to 2.3.0
  • Update bundled PrimoBurner to 4.7.1

Version 3.3.1


  • Updated bundled AVBlocks to version 1.26
  • Updated bundled PrimoBurner to version 4.6.1

Version 3.3



  • Updated sample projects to Visual Studio 2015
  • Updated bundled AVBlocks to version 1.25
  • Updated bundled PrimoBurner to version 4.6

Version 3.2


DVD Projects

  • It is now possible to specify a file, or audio and video streams per element. See the <chapter> Element documentation for more information.
  • The way DVDBuilder rounds and handles chapter times has been documented


  • The VideoDVDCreator sample accepts all file types that AVBlocks can handle as input
  • Updated bundled AVBlocks to version 1.16
  • Updated bundled PrimoBurner to version 4.4.1

Last updated on November 13th, 2017 03:37:44 PM